Bios UP!

Remember that I’m looking for Blog Post No. 1 this week…due by 5 p.m. Friday. This post will be a short bio of yourself, written in THIRD PERSON (as if someone else wrote it for you). Trust me…if you ever get published or work for someone who wants to post a bio of you, this is how they get written!

Please make sure to check the list of blogs on the right-hand side of the page to make sure I have the address for your blog. And do take a gander at some of the other bios of students in CMST 140 this quarter! Some folks are already adding images to their blogs, like Vicente and Isaiah have. Check ’em out!


My oldest kid, Walt, who learned some hard lessons about asking for help while he was in college. I’m only a email away if you have a problem or a question…remember that professors like to help students! That’s what we’re here for.

Welcome to Feature Writing

Howdy. Glad you made it!

For WordPress blog setup (for this course)

PLEASE USE YOUR NAME AS YOUR BLOG TITLE….and set up your username as your real name (with an underscore or symbols, if necessary…like elly_bailey) so I’ll know whose blog and comments I’m looking at without a bunch of detective work.

You can title individual posts whatever you wish.

Your first post (a bio written about yourself in THIRD PERSON…not first person…) is due by Friday, Sept. 25th at 5 p.m.

-Captain Bailey